Wednesday, 25 July 2018

How To Save Money When Posting Employees To London

If you are the director of a business and sending some of your employees to London for a short while, whether it is to visit customers, to work with your London office or factory, or for any other reason, your company is obviously going to have to pay for their accommodation and food while they are here.

Now there are a couple of ways in which you can do this. The first, and for many people the most obvious way, is to put them up in a hotel. Done and dusted. They have a room each and they have got breakfast and dinner, and they can pay for their own lunch as at home.

However, hotels in Central London are notoriously expensive. Sending one employee  is bad enough, but if you are sending two or three to work on a project you need two or three hotel rooms which is, obviously, two or three times the cost.

However, there is another, and much better, way and that is to rent a short stay apartment London. Yes, you can rent apartments in the city for a lot less than you would pay for a hotel. Luxury apartments are available that have all the facilities of a hotel with the exception of a restaurant and bar. So, yes, your employee would have to do his own shopping and cooking, but that is no different from home anyway. He would also have to do his own laundry, but the same applies. 

A short stay apartment London will work out at quite a lot less than a hotel room for a couple of weeks or a month. In fact, the longer the visit, the more your company will save. 

Now consider this: if you are sending two employees to London you will obviously need a two bedroom apartment, but that won’t work out at a lot more than a single room one. Compare that with the price of two hotel rooms and your company can save a considerable amount of money with a short stay apartment London instead.

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